Contact Us

We will handle your inquiry for information, samples or sales call as expeditiously as possible.

To help us process your request efficiently, please provide us with the following information:

We encourage you to look on line at our Principals’ web sites. Please remember, that typically less than 50% of the products and product variations are shown on most company web sites.

Temco Northwest and its Principals work diligently to provide custom solutions to your buying and engineering opportunities. All of us at Temco are looking forward to working with you to help you find what you need. The appropriate Customer Service and Sales Engineer will be in touch shortly.


Seattle Area



PO Box 847
Bothell, WA 98041

Shipping Address

16909 Inglewood Road NE
Kenmore, WA 98028

Western Canada and Northwest Washington



677 Adelia St
Blaine, WA 98230

Oregon, Eastern and Southern Washington



1652 NE 103rd Ave
Beaverton, OR 97006

Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho, and Montana
